Have a shower cabin installed

Have a shower cabin installed
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Want to install a shower cabin? Book a local plumber immediately here. No hassle with quotes and no call-out costs.

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Check out the top 5 best plumbers

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202 jobs completed
4.95/ 5 (77 reviews)


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1985 jobs completed
4.40/ 5 (487 reviews)

'Really professional and friendly '

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270 jobs completed
4.89/ 5 (126 reviews)

'Alex werd door mij gevraagd een nieuwe regendouche te installeren. Van tevoren heeft hij extra info gevraagd zodat hij niet voor verrassingen zou komen te staan. De klus werd binnen een uur zonder problemen afgerond. Geen poespas, gewoon degelijk en ...'

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1880 jobs completed
4.82/ 5 (720 reviews)

'Geweldig en profesioneel!'

Avatar 5
242 jobs completed
4.95/ 5 (108 reviews)

'Snel, efficient gewerkt en prima advies en overleg. '

What are the costs of installing a shower cabin?

The costs of installing a shower cabin range from €150 to €300, based on 1278 jobs. At Zoofy, the rates are based on the averages charged by professional plumbers, so you won't face any surprises. The rate includes several fixed costs of the professional, and you do not pay any call-out charges. This way, you always know what to expect.

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