Currently, efforts are being made to implement improvements. The website will be able to accept jobs again after 24-04-2024 at 08:00! We look forward to seeing you then.

Install a smart switch

Install a smart switch
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Requested 100 times
3680 trusted smart home installers
Emergency & warranty service
Our professionals score a 9.2
No call-out fees

Do you want to have a smart switch installed? Easily book a smart home specialist via Zoofy who can realize the installation of the switch.

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Book this job

How it works

Find your job and send your booking

Find your job and send your booking

Sit back and we will take care of the rest!

The professional will come by at the time you have chosen.

The professional will come by at the time you have chosen.

Verified professionals nearby will receive a notification and choose a moment.

You can pay afterwards when you are happy with the job

You can pay afterwards when you are happy with the job

Pay via the QR or via an invoice

Install a smart door lock

Have you bought a new smart switch and want it professionally installed? Book a smart home specialist for this job directly through Zoofy. So you can control lamps, televisions remotely with the handy smart plug. This is also good for saving on energy costs. Because you know exactly what appliances consume. And you make sure appliances don't use power unnecessarily. Zoofy professionals can fit all your outlets with smart switches and make sure you can control them remotely.

Table of Contents

    Install a smart switch

    "Hendry is een echte vakman met eer van zijn werk. Hij beschikt over een groot oplossend vermogen en kan hierdoor ook zeer goed overweg met tegenvallers."

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    Rob uit 's-Gravenhage

    Friday 24 April

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