A smoke detector is indispensable for home safety. In the Netherlands, 1 in 63 homes is not sufficiently protected against house fires. This may be because there is no properly working smoke alarm, or even no smoke alarm at all. Prevent this unsafe situation in your home and make use of our advantageous handyman service. For an advantageous rate of only €29,- per hour, it is possible to have this job done quickly and professionally. This handyman service is performed by handy students. They arrive by bicycle, so you don't pay any call-out charge! In addition, they can be called in for all kinds of jobs in and around the house. In this article we tell you more about them.
A smoke detector is indispensable for home safety. In the Netherlands, 1 in 63 homes is not sufficiently protected against house fires. This may be because there is no properly working smoke alarm, or even no smoke alarm at all. Prevent this unsafe situation in your home and make use of our advantageous handyman service. For an advantageous rate of only €29,- per hour, it is possible to have this job done quickly and professionally. This handyman service is performed by handy students. They arrive by bicycle, so you don't pay any call-out charge! In addition, they can be called in for all kinds of jobs in and around the house. In this article we tell you more about them.
Installing smoke detectors at these locations
Installing smoke detectors in your home is a job you can't put off for safety reasons. Do a thorough inspection of your home. Do you have smoke detectors on at least every floor? It is always a good idea to install smoke detectors in the attic. If a fire breaks out on this floor and you are on another floor, for example because you are sleeping or eating, the smoke alarm will alert you. Mounting a smoke detector in the stairwell is another place that makes sense. This way, the smoke alarm can be easily heard in the rest of the house. It is also essential to hang up smoke detectors on the sleeping floor. By hanging it on the landing, the sound of the smoke alarm can be clearly heard in all the adjoining bedrooms. Hanging smoke detectors in the kitchen may cause a squeal when the potatoes burn. However, the kitchen is also a place where there is a high risk of fire, so hanging up a smoke detector here is no luxury. Smoke detectors are also often hung up in the living room and hallway.
Is hanging up a smoke alarm a job that you could use some help with? The reasons for this can be various, saving you time, not wanting to do the job yourself or a fear of heights. Whatever the reason, you can hang the smoke alarm with us.