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Spachtelputz prices

Last updated: 17-06-2024

Would you like to apply spachtelputz in your home? Then it is useful to find out in advance about the advantages and possibilities. Below you will not only discover that, but also the spachtelputz prices. Ideal, because that way you can prepare yourself well!

What does spachtelputz cost?

Before you start applying spachtelputz, it is good to know more about the prices. That way you can better compare it with the alternatives and also prepare yourself for your potential expenses.

So what does spachtelputz cost exactly? In general, you can expect to pay between 12 and 23 euros per square metre. Would you like an even more detailed overview of the cost price? Then take a look at the table below. You will also discover the prices for smoothing and painting the material!

Surface Costs

Wall plasterwork 12 - 18 euros per square metre
Spachtelputz ceiling 15 - 23 euro per m²
Smoothen wall 11 euro per m²
Spachtelputz paint 7 - 15 euro per m²
*These are indicative prices based on jobs previously carried out. The final costs may differ from the invoice you receive from us.

Pricing factors spachtelputz

The cost of Spachtelputz depends heavily on several factors. First of all, there is a price difference between treating the walls and ceilings. This makes sense, as it is now much easier to apply the plaster to the walls. There are also a number of other important price-determining factors. Which ones they are, you will find out below!

1. The condition of the walls or ceiling

One of the biggest price-determining factors is the condition of the walls or ceiling. If these have irregularities and damage, they should be removed first. The same goes for remnants of wallpaper and an old layer of plaster. Spachtelputz is best applied on a bare wall for the best result. So if the professional has to do a lot of preparatory work, you will pay a lot more for this.

2. Size of the surface

Of course, the size of the surface to be treated also affects the price of the plaster. It is interesting to know that it is cheaper to have spachtelputz applied to a larger area. This is because the professional usually charges less for this. This is because it is easier for the plasterer to apply the plaster to larger areas in one go.

3. Call in a professional or apply the plaster yourself

You can choose to have a plasterer apply the plaster or do it yourself. If you choose a professional, it will of course cost you a lot more, but applying decorative plaster is not an easy job. So in that case, you take the risk of having to pay more in the end.

Discover the advantages of spachtelputz

More and more people are choosing to apply spachtelputz to their walls or ceilings, and with good reason. This type of plaster has many advantages. You can have it applied in various grain structures and colours, so it always matches your interior perfectly.

It is also impact and scrub-resistant. This means that if you get it dirty, you can clean it without difficulty. For this reason, it is suitable for both interior and exterior walls. Are you low on budget? Then it's also a good choice, because the prices of spachtelputz are low and yet the material lasts a long time. So plenty of reasons to choose spachtelputz for your home!

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