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Electrician costs

Last updated: 17-06-2024

If you need an electrician, it is useful to know what the cost of an electrician is per hour. That way you know what to expect! That is why we have made a handy overview for you below. Not sure if you can call on an electrician? Then you will also find out in the article. You get a comprehensive overview of the work of an electrician. So read on quickly if you want to prepare well!

What can you call an electrician for?

Before you decide to hire an electrician, it is important to know whether you can actually call on them. An electrician does a lot, but does not deal with everything that has to do with electricity. For example, if you need help with faulty equipment, such as a broken washing machine, an electrician cannot help you. In that case, it is better to call on a white goods technician.

The situation is different if this appliance causes disturbances in the electricity network. Then you need to contact an electrician to repair your power network. He or she may not repair the equipment causing the interference.

When is an electrician the right choice?

An electrician repairs, installs and maintains everything related to your electrical installation. He or she can, for example, install a completely new installation for you, renew your old installation, place or adjust group cabinets, install lighting and carry out a few other odd jobs.

Good to know: most electricians have their own specialties. It is therefore best to choose a professional who specializes in the job that you want to have done.

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