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Costs of installing window frames

Last updated: 17-06-2024

Are your window frames due for replacement or do you want new window frames installed in a house? Then you would like to know what the costs are for placing window frames. The costs for placing or replacing window frames can vary considerably. The price is not only determined by the fact that you want to replace a window frame or install a new one, but also by the dimensions of the window frame. It may be obvious that window frames for a small window are cheaper than those for a large one. But did you know that the material and the profile of a window frame also influence the costs of replacing or installing window frames? When you have two left hands, it is probably not wise to install window frames yourself. If you want to hire a professional, you would like to know the costs for placing or replacing window frames. We have listed the costs for placing or replacing window frames.

An overview of what it costs to place a window frame

The biggest factor that determines the price is the size of the window frame. When you need more running metres you pay a higher price. Do you want a quick overview of the costs for placing or replacing window frames? We list the most common dimensions with an estimated price below.

Size in cm Price indication
160 x 130 € 2000 - € 4000
300 x 150 € 2500 - € 5000
340 x 130 € 3500 - € 5500
*These are indicative prices based on jobs previously carried out. The final costs may differ from the invoice you receive from us.

How are the costs for installing window frames determined?

The costs for placing a window frame are not only determined by the dimensions of the window, but also by other factors such as material and the type of profile that a window frame has. We will explain the possibilities for material and profiles.

What material do you choose?

The costs of placing a window frame depend on the material you choose. You can choose from wood, aluminium or plastic. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these window frames?

Wood: Wooden window frames give your house a characteristic look and give it a natural and warm appearance. In addition, you can easily paint wood in the colour you like. Keep in mind, however, that wood requires a lot of maintenance. It is also slightly more expensive than plastic window frames.
Aluminium: Aluminium window frames are ideal when you are looking for strong and modern window frames. The material has a sleek appearance and is strong and durable. However, they insulate least well when you have to choose between wood, aluminium and plastic.
Plastic: Plastic window frames are available in different colours and sizes so that you can choose window frames that match your style and interior. They are low-maintenance and long-lasting. A disadvantage is that you cannot paint them; once you have chosen a colour, you cannot easily change it.

The profile of the window frames

Besides the material, the profile of the window frames also determines the price of window frames. You can choose between different profiles, or the way a window frame is put together. You have a choice of the following profiles:

Block profile: A block profile consists of a right-angled joint and it looks as if two blocks have been glued together. This gives the appearance of a classic wooden window frame.
Bevel profile: With an angled profile, the heads of the beams are sawn at an angle and therefore fit together exactly. It looks less straight and angular than a frame with a block profile.
Flat profile: With a flat profile, simple and rigid shapes are used and it looks a lot like the block profile. However, the frame is less deep.
Slim profile: A slim profile has the same depth as a flat profile but is less wide. You often see this in new-build houses. Frames with a slim profile have the advantage of bringing extra daylight into the house.

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