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Costs of clearing the garden

Last updated: 17-06-2024

Are you the lucky owner of a garden? But it doesn't make you happy at the moment? Would you like to change your garden completely to make it your dream garden? Or is it just that your garden or part of it needs a thorough overhaul? This could be because you want to completely restructure your garden but large trees need to be removed. Or you want to remove the paving and resurface it somewhere else. Perhaps you would like to replace the pond with a new sun terrace or install a gazebo. For this, the garden will have to be emptied.
You can do this yourself (with the help of friends or family).

Emptying a garden often involves heavy physical work. Don't have the time or don't feel like it? Book a professional quickly and easily via Zoofy. They know the business, have the right equipment and the job is finished in no time. Are you curious what it costs to empty the garden and what work can be done?
Then read on.

Average costs for emptying the garden

The average cost of emptying a garden in the Netherlands is somewhere between €600 and €1,000. This means that most people will pay around €800 to have their garden emptied. Bear in mind that the minimum amount you will have to pay is at least €450 and no more than €1,400.

The price structure of garden emptying costs

Sometimes special equipment is needed to empty a garden. For instance, an excavator or an aerial work platform for cutting down those tall trees. That's why it's wise to hire a professional via Zoofy. They can map out the work and provide the right materials. To give you a better idea of the costs of emptying and removing a garden, you can consult the table below. It lists the most common jobs. The costs mentioned include labour, materials, removal of the old materials and VAT.

Empty garden, part Average costs
Hourly rate of the gardener From price € 50
Craftsman via Zoofy per m2 €13
Removing pavement €40 per hour
Removing stump by digging €50 to €200
Remove stump with stump grinder €50 to €100
Removal of large tree stump (diameter more than 80 cm) €300 to €500
Felling a tree €300 to €600
Removing a pond per hour €50
Raising or excavating the garden per m2 €15
*These are indicative prices based on jobs previously carried out. The final costs may differ from the invoice you receive from us.

What influences the costs for emptying the garden?

Below is a breakdown of the costs that our gardeners charge for this job.

The size of the garden

Of course, the size of your garden will influence the costs. Emptying a large garden often costs more than emptying a small one. But also what needs to be removed and whether equipment can be easily deployed plays a role. Do you have a small garden with a very large, fat tree and is most of your garden paved? Then the costs of emptying your garden may be higher than if you have a large garden with only grass and a small terrace.

Costs of emptying the garden

Below we explain the various activities and their costs
The gardener
The professional that you can easily arrange through Zoofy, charges a starting price of € 50 per hour. Sometimes the professional will charge you a price per square meter. These prices are usually for simple work like removing grass or plants. Discuss the work to be carried out together well in advance.

Removal of paving

You should allow for a fee of around €40 per hour when the professional has to remove and dispose of paving.

Cutting down a tree

The cost of felling a tree is on average about € 600, but at least € 400 and no more than € 800. If the tree is in the way, threatens to fall, is sick or dead, felling is a good solution. Below is a specification. Do you only want to have a tree felled? Then book your job here: Tree felling via Zoofy.

Tree felling Average costs

Felling a small tree (height up to 6 metres, trunk circumference up to 20 cm) € 400
Felling an average tree (height up to 6-8 metres, trunk circumference up to 35 cm) € 600
Felling a large tree (height from 8 metres, trunk circumference from 35 cm) € 400

Removing a tree stump

Sometimes a (huge) tree trunk remains under the ground after felling or cutting down a tree. You can choose to leave it there. It is better to have the remaining tree stump permanently removed. Then it will certainly not bother you in a later stage. Depending on the size of the tree stump and the complexity of the job, it will cost between € 50 and € 500 to remove a tree stump. Sometimes the stump can be dug up, other times milling away is the best option.
Milling is the fastest and cheapest way to remove a tree stump. With a kind of brute force the stump and the roots are milled out. If the tree stump is small or there is no room for milling, the professional can dig out the stump. This can be done by hand or with a small excavator. This is manual work and because it takes a bit more time, this work will affect the cost.

Removing a pond

Removing a pond is labour intensive. The pond has to be emptied and then filled with soil, so the professional will charge you for this work on an hourly basis. For the professional you hire through Zoofy, this is an hourly rate of € 50.

Raising or excavating the garden

When there are height differences in your garden, it's often wise to let the professional get rid of them. Only then you can start all over again with the design of your garden. Garden soil can be removed and other areas can be raised, for example, with building sand. The cost per square metre is about €15.

To get a better idea of the costs of emptying the garden, we have put together three examples for you.
1. Emptying a basic furnished garden: Do you have a simple garden without trees that only consists of a lawn and a small pot with some flowers and small shrubs? Then it will cost you approximately €500 to clear out a garden with an area of 60 m2.
2. Empty average garden: Does your garden have, apart from grass, a decking (patio), bricks or another form of paving? Then it will cost you approximately € 800 to clear this type of garden with a surface area of 60 m2.
3. Empty luxury garden: Does your garden have a lawn, paving stones, a pond or trees? Then you should consider the costs for emptying this type of garden (60 m2) to be as high as € 1,200.

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