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Costs of garden roof

Last updated: 18-06-2024

A fixed roof, i.e. a roof that is attached to your house, has many advantages. By installing a roofing, you create an extra outdoor living space. You can enjoy the great outdoors from early spring until late autumn thanks to the luxury of a covered patio. A heater or outdoor heater will make it even more enjoyable. Your kitchen or living room will also feel larger. Apart from the fact that a professionally placed roofing looks nice, it also means an increase in the value of your home. Reasons enough to install a roofing on your house.

In this article you can read about the possibilities, the costs of installing a roof and who you can best hire to do this.

How much does a roofing system cost?

The cost of a roofing can vary from a few hundred euros to as much as €10,000. From cheap prefabricated models in a web shop to a luxurious and durable customised roofing that really suits your home and garden, made from solid materials.

To give you an idea of the average roofing costs, we have inserted the table below. The prices mentioned include VAT but exclude the professional's labour. The starting hourly rate for a carpenter through Zoofy is € 59.

Type of roofing Quality Dimensions Price indication

Fixed to the house basic 3 x 3 metre Price indication € 1,100
Fixed to the house luxury 3 x 3 meter Price indication € 1.500
Fixed to the house basic 4 x 4 metres Price indication € 2,000
Fixed on the house luxury 4 x 4 metre Price indication € 2,700
*These are indicative prices based on jobs previously carried out. The final costs may differ from the invoice you receive from us.

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