Tocht in huis Inspiratie

Tips to stop drafts at home

Wednesday 06 October 2021

Do you suffer from cold draughts in your home? Then read the following blog. Here you can read everything about draughts. How it originates, how you can detect it and what measures you can take against it. It's very pleasant. No more problems with cold air or cold feet.

Where do the draughts come from in the house?

Sometimes the cause of that annoying cold air flow is obvious. But if it's not obvious, how can you detect draughts in the house?
There are several ways. Draughts can be measured with an infrared meter or made visible with (coloured) smoke.
But there are easier ways to solve draughts. Do you think you know where there is a draught and can you feel the air flow? Wet your hand and hold it near the affected spot to feel the airflow better.
A tea light can also help.
Place a burning candle on the spot where you think there is a draught and stand there for a moment. When the flame moves, there is airflow and therefore a draught.
Draughts are usually caused by (too large) cracks and seams in a house. The following places are most likely to have draughts:
at windows and doors
between the wall and the frame
In the attic
By the roof
Seams and cracks in floors or walls
in the case of a flush-mounted letterbox
in the meter cupboard

Draughts at windows

Draughts at or around your windows? Draughts occur at windows that can be opened between the window and the frame. This is not only very unpleasant, especially in winter, but it also increases your energy bill. One of the simplest solutions is to apply self-adhesive sealing tape or aluminium strips. But drafts can also occur with fixed windows. One solution may be to replace the glazing with HR++ glass. When replacement is not possible, think about installing a window or window film.
Curtains have an insulating effect and also add atmosphere to the house. Do not hang the curtains over the heating.

Draughts near window frames

Sometimes the draught comes from the cracks in the window frames. This causes unnecessary heat loss. Seams in the outside wall can cause not only draughts, but also moisture problems. Pests find their way in through the seams.
Seal the seams or apply mortar. Compression tape or joint tape can also be used.
Especially (old) wooden window frames that are no longer straight or even damaged can become quite drafty. The best thing to do in that case is to have the window frames replaced, for example by a carpenter who can easily be booked via
Draught in the attic or under the roof

Unnoticed, most of the heat often disappears through the roof. Draughts in the attic are usually the culprit. Roof insulation is the best solution here and puts an end to a draughty attic space. This will significantly reduce your energy bill. If the attic space is closed off and unheated, you can also insulate the attic floor.