
Pleated screen door and visibility, how do you solve it

Thursday 14 October 2021

Pleated screen doors are great to use. You simply slide them open and shut and they can be made in almost any size. If you have a sliding door, pleated screen doors are an elegant solution. Thanks to the presence of rails, both at the bottom and top of the doorway, the pleated insect screen door is easy to slide. Perhaps the only disadvantage of screen doors in general is their vulnerability. How do you solve this and what do you need to watch out for?

Beware of accidents

Because pleated screens are usually natural light in colour, accidents tend to happen. And because the pleated screen door is quite an investment, you want to keep it in pristine condition without having to suffer when your visitors walk right through your screen door. How do you prevent such accidents?

Young children? Beware of your screen door!

Toddlers and preschoolers are more likely to fall over, grab onto something in the vicinity or run around and crash into your screen door. Such incidents can significantly damage your insect screen. A pleated screen door can go out of its track, but fortunately it is easy to put back in place. The ordinary revolving screen door can be seriously damaged. Please inform young children about this. And also when young children come to play! If it gets too busy and crazy, retract your insect screen.

Pets and your insect screen

Cats like to crawl out on the underside of the pleated screen door. They even manage to do this without any damage. Clever. It can be very different for dogs (depending on the character of the dog). Vigilant dogs can storm out as soon as they think they have heard something suspicious: right through the screen door. You won't be the first with whom this happens. You can also install a cat flap.

Who wants to take a pleissé screen door must train the dog to stop for the screen. But how do you train a dog to do this? Firstly, take a dark-coloured pleated screen door, such as anthracite. This allows the dog to see the partition more clearly. Do you see your dog trying to run towards your screen door? Then stop it immediately by giving the signal you always use. Your dog must clearly learn that the screen door means the boundary.