If you want to freshen up your interior, applying grit plaster is a good choice. Would you like to know more about applying grit plaster, the grit plaster price and what the possibilities are? Below, you will learn more!
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If you want to freshen up your interior, applying grit plaster is a good choice. Would you like to know more about applying grit plaster, the grit plaster price and what the possibilities are? Below, you will learn more!
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Why is laying plaster a good idea?
Decorative plaster is a way of finishing your walls and/or ceilings. Nowadays, more and more people choose it, because it has many advantages. There are, in fact, a great many possibilities with quartz plaster. This makes it the best solution for every kind of interior, from modern to classical. In addition, it is also very economical and gives your interior a unique look. Decorative plaster is also easy to clean. If your walls are dirty, you can wipe them down with a cloth. This keeps it looking nice for a long time. All these advantages make decorative plaster more than worth considering!
Which finish do you choose?
Are you completely convinced that applying granular plaster is the best choice for you? Then you're not quite there yet, because if you choose grit plaster, you can choose from an awful lot of designs. What is the best choice for you depends on your own taste and your interior style. Below, we have listed the most popular types! Which type do you prefer?
Spachtelputz stucco
Spachtelputz is one of the cheapest possibilities. It is a mixture of broken grains of marble and a binding agent based on plastic. Spachtelputz is applied in a layer thickness of 1 to 4 millimetres. How thick the layer should be exactly is up to you.
This decorative plaster has a rough appearance and is therefore a good choice if you want to give your interior a tough look. Because you can have spachtelputz painted, this is also a good choice if you like change. It can be applied both inside and outside and is easy to clean up when it gets dirty.
Rustic putty stucco
Rustic putty is another option. This is a decorative plaster based on plastic. Rustiekputz has a completely different look than spachtelputz, instead of grains it has light grooves. Because the structure is somewhat coarser, you immediately bring character to your interior. With rustic putty you can also choose from different grain thicknesses to determine the coarseness of the structure. You can also choose from different colours.
Do you have small children at home? Then rustic putty is a good choice, because it is very impact-resistant and cannot be damaged easily. It's also easy to wash up, so you don't have to worry if your children have dirty hands on the walls. With rustic putty, they can play to their heart's content! Because it is so sturdy, you can also use it on exterior walls.
Granol stucco
Another option when applying granular plaster is granol. Of the three types, granol is the decorative plaster with the coarsest structure. What is the best choice for you therefore depends on your preference. Just like the other decorative plasters, granol can be chosen in different colours and can be painted over.
Just like rustic putty, granol creates grooves on the walls (or ceiling). The difference is that the grooves are larger. It even looks a bit like tree bark. Granol has a unique, retro look. It was mostly used in the seventies and eighties, but now it is back again. Nowadays, a retro interior is totally hip and this beautiful finish fits in fantastically!
What is the price of stucco?
Do you want to have your walls plastered? Then you will probably be curious about the costs of plaster. On average, you can count on a cost of between 15 and 25 euros per square metre, including materials and working hours. Below we give you an overview of the price depending on the surface to be treated!
Surface area Price indication
10 m² 300 to 500.-
30 m² 450 to 600
60 m² 1.000 to 1.500,-
What determines the plaster price?
As you can see, the costs depend on the surface area that you are having repaired, but there are also a number of other factors that determine the costs of decorative plaster. So the question "What does decorative plaster cost?" is not easy to answer. Let's take a look at the factors that influence the cost.