Over 10.000 professionals!

Tuesday 06 September 2022


We are super happy that as of last week, more than 10,000 tradesmen have signed up as professionals with Zoofy. Every week there are hundreds of professionals eager to start doing jobs for Zoofy.

Why zoofy

Why is it so much fun for a professional to do jobs for Zoofy? We recently spoke to one of our top professionals, Mohamed Ibrahim, and he said the following about it, "I have used other platforms as well, but there you have to pay for jobs when you don't know if you will actually do the job. With Zoofy this is not the case, you don't have to pay and there are many jobs available in the app. Accepting a job is easy and conversations with the customer are via Whatsapp, which is nice and fast. Not every platform does that!"

So here's a quick thank you to our professionals: thanks guys, you are the best!