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What does wallpapering cost

Last updated: 17-06-2024

Average costs for wallpapering

Hanging wallpaper costs between €285 and €732 , or on average about €509 . Wallpaper with coated fabric is more expensive than regular vinyl-coated, paperbacked or solid-sheet options. Labour costs for installing wallpaper range on average from €3 to €21 per square metre. The cost of this project may be higher if the wallpaperer needs to carry out repairs to the wall.

Costs for hanging wallpaper

On average the costs of hanging wallpaper vary between € 25 and € 35 per roll. Most wallpaper hangers calculate the price per roll or per square metre. You pay more if the wallpaper has to be repaired before he can start on the wallpapering job. Common repairs to the wall are repairing holes or pits. or if the paper is difficult to hang, such as grass cloth or hemp. Here is an overview of the average costs that wallpaper suppliers charge:

Unit of measurement Average cost
Per hour € 49 - € 55
Per single roll € 25 - € 35
Per metre € 6 - € 21
Costs for wallpapering a room
The cost of buying and installing wallpaper is on average between € 6 and € 21 per square metre. Custom wallpaper or more expensive wallpaper will increase the price. You can see an estimate of the costs per type of room below.

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