Terugblik 2021 Zoofy

Zoofy recap of 2021

Friday 31 December 2021

These are the highlights of Zoofy in 2021.

Growth in the number of jobs with a fixed price

The number of permanent jobs has increased by more than 35% in 2021. Zoofy is trying to offer more and more jobs for a fixed price. So that we can provide you with transparent and clear prices in advance. You can use Zoofy for more than 700 different jobs in and around the house! These were the most popular jobs of 2021.

Popular jobs 2021

This year we have installed more than 5,000 taps, hung 6,500 lamps, repaired 2,000 leaks and our plumbers took immediate action on more than 1,500 blockages. We have assembled 4,500 pieces of furniture for our partner Ikea.

Great review scores

All these jobs resulted in great review scores for our professionals. They were judged 15,000 times this year with an average score of 9.4! This is an improvement of 0.2 compared to last year.