DIY Stappenplan Klussen in huis Klussen Interieur

Step-by-step create your own hanging planks

Monday 01 July 2019

Do you want your own floating shelf on the wall, but think this job is too difficult for you? Don't panic, Zoofy has got you covered. For this job you don't need to be an experienced handyman. And, with the step-by-step plan below, you can even get started with two left hands ;-) Moreover, you are a thief of your own wallet if you don't do it. Buying a number of floating, custom-made tree trunk wall shelves can quickly run into the hundreds of euros. With this floating shelf DIY tree trunk shelf step-by-step plan, you will only spend a fraction of this. These floating shelves really will become the showpiece of your room. Super cool to be able to say that you made it yourself, right?

This is what you need for the job:

Tree trunk planks, for sale in the DIY store
Sandpaper (fine grain) or possibly a sander
Stain (in the picture we have used interior stain transparent dark oak silk gloss from Gamma)
Stirring stick to mix the stain with
Paint roller and tray
Two frame anchors, galvanised, two per board (we found them at Karwei)
Two dowels per board, of the same thickness as the frame anchors
Power drill
Wood drill
Spirit level
Painter's tape
Tape measure
Permanent marker
Let's do this!

Before you start, think about how many boards you want and what size they should be. First draw this out on a A4 sheet. Do you want the shelves at different heights? As you can see in the photo of our result, we have worked with different sizes and heights. Do you want it exactly like the picture? Then see the picture below with the dimensions we used. Once you have made a plan, it is time to start scoring wood. You can choose to go to a special woodshop, but also the big hardware stores have what you are looking for.  Should you choose an impregnated board, bear in mind that these can only be made shorter, and not sawn in length. The tree trunk fence planks we use are not impregnated. You can have the planks cut to size in the DIY store. At most DIY stores this is a free service, so make use of it. It saves you a lot of sawing work, and prevents crooked planks ;-) We also advise you to have some extra planks sawn. If you do not drill straight into the plank at step 3, you do not have to go back to the hardware store.


Step-by-step plan for hanging a floating shelf

Step 1: Cleaning & sanding

Sand the boards and clean them. This prevents small splinters on your plank. Moreover, the stain will take better if you have sanded the board beforehand. Use fine sandpaper and always sand in the direction of the wood grain. This prevents scratches in the wood.

Step 2: Staining

Next, stain the planks with the stain mentioned above, or if you want a different look, a stain of your choice. We personally liked the robust look the plank got with the stain described above. Add 10% water to the stain in your paint tray. This way you have better control of the colour outcome, your paint roller will roll out better and it will dry less quickly. Here too: Always roll your roller in the direction of the grain for an even result. We have applied two coats of stain to the boards.

Step 3: Drilling into the wood

Next, use a wood drill to drill two holes per board. Never done it before? No problem. Mark on both sides where you want to drill. For example at 10 cm distance from both ends.  Measure the exact centre of the board (this is important for drilling straight) and then place your dot exactly in the middle of the 10 cm. Clamp your board straight up where the holes need to be in your workbench and gently drill the holes. Test this out first on a 'try' board, and only then on your stained boards. That saves a few arguments at home ;-) Important: drill every hole the same depth. Use masking tape on your drill as an imaginary 'stop line' so that you never drill too far.

Step 4: Determining the height

The basis of your floating plank is now ready. Decide where and how high you want to hang the floating shelf. You can draw this by hand, but nowadays you can also use a laser to precisely determine this. Your line will then be guaranteed to be level! Measure the distance of the hanging system on the shelf and transfer these measurements to the wall. Draw on the wall where you want to drill.