Professional of the month September

Tuesday 04 October 2022

Peter Peters is our professional of the month for September! He thinks Zoofy is almost too good to be true. We think the same of his praise of our platform. Go Peter! We love to have professionals like you. 

We spoke to Peter about his collaboration with Zoofy

"I was first going to start with another party, but that took a very long time. Then I consulted Google and that's how I ended up with Zoofy. I find everything very clear. You know immediately where you stand. The app is accessible; I got in easily, without too much hassle. You know the price yourself and can easily choose what you can or cannot do. 

It's also really nice that my work is so varied. I like it best when I can offer a customer a total package: Suppose you are called in for a computer problem, which then turns out to be an Internet problem. The modem has to be connected somewhere else and there is no power point there. Then I can say to the customer: 'Don't worry, I can take care of this for you'. I like that, and the freedom to set my own schedule. 

I think a big difference of Zoofy compared to other apps is that the rates are very clear. I don't feel that anything is being imposed on me. With many platforms, I sometimes feel like, 'What am I actually doing it for?' With Zoofy, I don't have that. Moreover, payments are handled quickly, which is something I have experienced often enough differently. 

"Too good to be true"

In the beginning, Zoofy seemed almost too good to be true. I was even a little suspicious. I know now; there is no catch.

The only danger is that I am sometimes tempted to make too much hay out of it. The app is very inviting and even a little addictive for me; when I see that I did a certain number of jobs last month, I think: I'm going to see if I can go over that next month.

When I talk to other professionals, I like to refer them. If they work with another platform and I notice they're not satisfied, I say, 'maybe you could try Zoofy.' Do I have any tips for other people who want to do this work? Yes you do! Adopt a service-oriented attitude and you will come a long way. Look further if you can really take all the problems off your hands."