
What are the different types of terrace roofing for the garden?

Monday 11 July 2022

A roofing in the garden is more than just an attractive eye-catcher. It also allows you to sit outside more and longer. When it rains, you still have dry seats and a canopy can keep you out of the wind. Moreover, a covering provides shade on hot days. But what are the different types of patio coverings and what are the pros and cons?

Most common patio covers


A veranda is a terrace covering mounted on the house. This can be at the front of the house, but also in the backyard or at the side. The terrace itself is raised and is usually made of wooden planks. So it is a kind of decking which lies against your house. Because the veranda is attached to your house, you will not be bothered by the wind on one side, but if the wind is usually blowing from another side, you can attach walls on more sides. In this way you create an extra living room in the open air which you can decorate with garden furniture and comfortable cushions. The walls keep you out of the wind and the roof keeps you dry. So you can sit outside as soon as the temperature is comfortable. It also provides shade on hot, sunny days. It also keeps the sun out of your home, so it stays cooler inside.



A pergola is a construction with cross beams that usually has no roof or walls. A pergola is therefore mainly used for growing climbing plants. Grapevines are also used for this purpose. Large pergolas can be completely overgrown with climbing plants so that they form a shady spot in your garden. This natural shade is nice and cool on a hot summer day. If your plants are not big enough yet, or if you just don't have a green thumb, you can also place a cloth between the cross beams of the pergola to provide shade. In addition, such a cloth will keep out light rain. Some pergolas are already provided with a construction to easily attach the shade cloth or sunshade. The disadvantage of a pergola, however, is that it has no side walls to stop the wind and no roof to stop the rain. The pergola mainly provides shade.


A gazebo is a free-standing structure that is not attached to your home. Often stands a gazebo in the back of the garden, but you can choose any place. A gazebo can be open on all sides, but to sit outside longer you can put one or more walls. These walls can be made of wood or canvas, but also of glass so that your view is not obstructed. A stylish gazebo gives a luxurious look to your garden and can be built in any style. In your French garden, for example, you place a graceful, classic gazebo, while in a modern garden you choose a gazebo with tight corners and a sloping roof. You place your garden furniture in the gazebo to enjoy long summer evenings in the warmth.

What material do you want to make your gazebo out of?

Once you've made your choice from the different types of gazebos, you need to decide what material you want to use. The most obvious choice is wood. Wood gives your garden a natural look and is easy to build. However, wood does have a considerable weight. Choose durable wood that has been impregnated, so that your structure will last a long time. You can also choose to build your shelter from aluminium. Aluminium is lightweight and it lasts a long time if it is powder coated. You can easily put the construction together with profiles. Moreover, aluminium has a beautiful, luxurious look. For the walls, you can also choose from different materials. If you want to preserve your view, you choose glass or polycarbonate. If you choose glass, you have to use safety glass that is laminated. This blocks a part of the heat, so you will still be cool. Polycarbonate is lighter and cheaper than glass, but it scratches faster. Moreover, it can make noise when it is windy.

Will you build your own garden shelter?

If you are handy, you can easily build your own gazebo. It's best to take at least two people to do it, because you'll be lifting a lot and some of the work will be at height. If you are not that handy or if you don't like the job, have someone else build your gazebo. After all, the structure should last for years and it should be just the way you like it. If you keep getting irritated about the angle of your veranda or the beams not being level, you won't be able to enjoy it. A professional makes the different types of shelters to your liking. Moreover, he can do it faster than you, so you can enjoy your garden faster. Of course, a professional costs extra, but it will be worth it if you can enjoy your garden more often and for longer.